Friday, August 17, 2007


cancer...bila dengo ni memang jadik scary...takut...sebab it can lead to death...

tapi tadi i went to see an officemate of mine baru lepas operation keluarkan tumor kat otak dia.. memang scary this one...especially tengok rambut kena potong ala rekruit dan yg paling menggerunkan aku is the tengkorak of his...ada kesan belahan semi circle on the left hand side of his head...

he even mentioned that tengkorak is not like our tulang yang boleh sambung balik bila potong, patah, retak..tengkorak punya behavior is that way..bila potang, memang tak sambung balik...gulp... hmmmm...that explains the metal clips dekat kepala dia...macam dawai kokot stapler kat opis tu, but twice that size..

and he mentioned yang the tumor is about 4 1/2 cm in size which is quite big i think...but the operation cuma buang the main tumor and the saki baki still tertinggal sebab dia ada atas cell otak...another lepas ni kena buat kimotheraphy ...aduh memang sedih gak la tengok ...and he's still 31years of age!

kami doakan agar mokhzani kembali sihat sediakala..amin


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