Friday, September 08, 2006

saturday: 7:45pm / sunday 8pm

you guys might wonder why the title for this post is saturday: 7:45pm...its actually the live telecast match between Everton and its arch rival aka musuh tradisi aka cannot afford to lose sort of thing; Liverpool..

it has been listed in the astro program guide that it will be a lived telecast! so dont go anywhere during this time ya! watch the match, insyaallah we will win this time around! in fact i have posted a youtube video to cherish the moments when we managed to beat Liverpool!

taken from
"THIS WILL DEFINE OUR START" said shows how important this game is for the team and the fans!

another time which is sunday: 8pm! its the race time for the Italian Grand Prix! cant wait to watch this one as well....but it will definitely be a sentimental one, since Shumi will declare that he will RETIRE from F1 indifinitely! Rumors has it that he will be replaced by Kimi Raikonnen who Ferrari has signed since middle of the so sad! seriously, cause I watch F1 just to watch him drive those F1 cars with perfection.

if he were to retire, i will definitely declare a Tribute to Schumi week or something in my blog to honour him!



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